Book & Multimedia Reviews

Black History Books for Kids
Does your family have plans to celebrate or honor Black History Month in February? Books are a great way to expose children to various cultures, experiences, and important parts of history. Here are . . .

STEM Books for Kids
Looking for ways to inspire curiosity, encourage exploration and teach problem-solving skills at home? Here are awesome STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) books for kids.
Bug . . .

Activity Books and Kid Crafts
Activity Books and Kid Crafts! Expand your child's creativity and imagination with these diverse craft activities and books for kids of all ages (parents will love them too!).
Dowling Magnets$8.5 . . .

Earth Day Books
Earth Day Books! Check out these inspiring books that will help kids understand the need to support environmental protection and help kids learn more about nature.
D is for Desert: A Desert ABC P . . .

DVDs, TV Shows and Music for Families
New DVD's, TV Shows and Music CDs for families! Check out the latest family-friendly TV, movie and CD releases.
Harold and the Purple CrayonSonyPictures.comInside of his book, adventurous Harold . . .

New DVD Series and Movies
New DVD Series and Movies. New DVD Series and Movies you won’t want to miss.
FRIENDS: The Complete SeriesAmazon.comAs FRIENDS marks its 30th anniversary this year, the beloved TV . . .

Books that Help Children Learn About Civil Rights
The struggle for civil rights and racial equality in the U.S. during the 1950s and 1960s is important for children to learn about. Milestones in The Civil Rights Movement often involve violence, so . . .

Books that Inspire All Ages
Books that Inspire All Ages. Unique stories about overcoming adversity and how hard work and believing in yourself pay off. Kids will love reading about people who turned their ideas and dreams into . . .

8 Books Moms Should Read with Their Daughters
It’s easy for moms to get caught up in daily obligations and never get around to talking about important issues with their daughters. Even if you do find time, sitting down for “a talk” probab . . .