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The abundant benefits of summer camp are for everyone, so if you have children, teens or young adults with developmental disabilities, a chronic medical condition or unique needs, don’t let worry prevent you from registering them for camp. The programs below offer extra care and support for children, young adults and families with special circumstances. Find day camps, family camps and overnight camps below. Break out the camp gear and prepare your loved ones for an unforgettable summer adventure!




Autism Society Surf Camp


The Autism Society San Diego surf camp for persons (ages 5+) with Autism.


Camp I CAN

Carlsbad and Kearny Mesa

The Autism Society and YMCA offer 1:1 instruction at this camp for kids with Autism. Register early—it fills up every year!


Camp Let Loose

441 Saxony Rd., Encinitas, CA 92024; 858-633-7328

Week-long summer program for kids with special needs. Paired 1:1 with a teen counselor, campers enjoy yoga, art, music, baking, sports, water fun, face-painting and field trips. Please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Positive, inclusive and community-building events and activities for children with physical differences and disabilities. Psychosocial programs include weekend camps, online meet-ups, family outings, horse therapy camp and caregiver support groups.


Salvation Army Kroc Center Day Camp

6845 University Ave., SD, 92115; 619-269-1470

Trained Inclusion Coordinator and Day Camp Manager assess children with special needs (with parent present) three weeks prior to camp to see if accommodations can be provided to meet their needs and keep them safe.


Surf Camp


The Autism Society San Diego surf camp for persons (ages 5+) with Autism.


Unified Esports League

Multiple locations; 858-449-8478

Inclusive, year-round program designed to support people of different abilities and needs (ages 8+), who have a passion for video games and technology. Participants focus on making friends, improving physical health and well-being, playing on a team, and learning about different aspects of gaming and technology. Perfect for individuals looking to improve their social life, enhance skills in various aspects of technology, become stronger physically and mentally, and collaborate with peers.




Elite Taekwondo Academy

10720 Thornmint Rd. #A, SD, 92127; 858-485-1802 

Adaptive Taekwondo program with a private room reserved for 1:1 and small group classes. Flexible class schedule (Monday–Saturday). Opportunity to participate in our Annual TKD Championships. SDRC Vendor #PY2871.


High Performance Training Center

1832 Ord Way, Oceanside, CA 92056; 714-981-8955

Adaptive fitness and martial arts program offered to people of all abilities. Trainers provide customized classes using strategies and techniques designed to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.


San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum

320 N Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025; 760-233-7755

Offers Sensory Friendly Mornings in a welcoming and comfortable environment through hands-on STREAM activities and exhibits. Also offers seasonal camps and interactive caregiver/toddler classes.




Art & Heart @ Seaside Arts Center

A multi-disciplinary arts program inclusively designed for children ages 3–10 with special needs. Explore adapted arts in a fun, safe and supportive environment through visual arts, music, reading and dance.

11130 E Ocean Air Dr. #C-105, SD, 92130

858-299-9038; www.seasideartscenter.org


Autism Society Surf Camp

The Autism Society San Diego surf camp for persons (ages 5+) with Autism.

858-715-0678; www.autismsocietysandiego.org/surf-camp.html


AWARE-Adults with Autism Recreation Experience

Fun, summer day camp for young adults (18+) on the Autism Spectrum allows socialization with peers and community-based activities. Camper or family member must be a current Autism Society of San Diego member.

Various locations; 858-715-0678; www.autismsocietysandiego.org/aware.html


Camp Able at Coronado

Provides children and adults with mental and physical disabilities the opportunity to experience aquatic activities like kayaking, sailing and swimming in the ocean.

858-254-0944; www.campableatcoronado.org


Camp I CAN

The Autism Society and YMCA offer 1:1 instruction at this camp for kids with Autism. Register early—it fills up every year!

Carlsbad and Kearny Mesa; www.autismsocietysandiego.org


Camp Ivey

Summer horse camp dedicated to encouraging interaction of disabled and able-bodied children of all ages. Day camp for ages 7–17 with therapeutic horseback riding and horse grooming program.

110 Rancho del Oro Dr., Oceanside, CA 92057

760-722-4839; www.iveyranch.com


Camp Jaycee

Inclusive, ACA-accredited camp for ages 18 mos. to 12th grade offers traditional activities, sports, Spanish-immersion, theater and more. Scholarships available.

4126 Executive Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037

858-362-1132; www.campjaycee.com


Camp Let Loose

Week-long summer program for kids with special needs. Paired 1:1 with a teen counselor, campers enjoy yoga, art, music, baking, sports, water fun, face-painting and field trips.

441 Saxony Rd., Encinitas, CA 92024 

858-633-7328; www.friendshipcirclesd.org


City of Chula Vista Day Camps

Students with disabilities are encouraged to attend all day camps. Two-week notice is required to complete an assessment and to assign an aide, if needed.



The Coder School

Inclusive, afterschool coding program for kids 7–18 that develops logic skills, breaking complex problems into manageable chunks, and working with others. Offers Roblox and Minecraft camps, AP computer science support and more.

9879 Carmel Mountain Rd., SD, 92129

858-859-3330; www.thecoderschool.com/locations/northsandiego



Positive, inclusive and community-building events and activities for children with physical differences and disabilities. Psychosocial programs include weekend camps, online meet-ups, family outings, horse therapy camp and caregiver support groups.

619-800-5869; www.connectmed.org


Elite Taekwondo Academy

Adaptive Taekwondo program with a private room reserved for 1:1 and small group classes. Flexible class schedule (Monday–Saturday). Opportunity to participate in our Annual TKD Championships. SDRC Vendor #PY2871.

10720 Thornmint Rd. #A, SD, 92127; 858-485-1802; www.sdelitetkd.com


High Performance Training Center

Adaptive fitness and martial arts program offered to people of all abilities. Trainers provide customized classes using strategies and techniques designed to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

1832 Ord Way, Oceanside, CA 92056; 714-981-8955; www.hptcoceanside.com


Junior Adaptive Sports Camp

An opportunity for kids ages 4–18 with physical impairments to participate in about 15 different sport rotations over five days. Volunteers and counselors help athletes learn fundamentals of games and activities.

424-286-4227; www.adaptivesportsandrec.org


Rancho Family YMCA Camps

Exciting, inclusive camps offered to kids of all abilities. Assessment provided to determine support needed. Financial aid available.

9410 Fairgrove Ln., SD, 92129

858-484-8788; www.ymcasd.org


Salvation Army Kroc Center Day Camp

Trained Inclusion Coordinator and Day Camp Manager assess children with special needs (with parent present) three weeks prior to camp to see if accommodations can be provided to meet their needs and keep them safe.

6845 University Ave., SD, 92115; 619-269-1470; https://sd.kroccenter.org


San Diego Center for Children

Serves children and families struggling with mental, emotional or behavioral health challenges. Offers summer camps or programs for children that foster social engagement, communication and self-regulation.

3002 Armstrong St., SD, 92111; 833-800-9105; www.centerforchildren.org


San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum

Offers Sensory Friendly Mornings in a welcoming and comfortable environment through hands-on STREAM activities and exhibits. Also offers seasonal camps, interactive caregiver/toddler classes and birthday parties.

320 N Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025; 760-233-7755; www.sdcdm.org


San Diego Parks & Rec Therapeutic Recreation Services

Inclusive summer and winter day camps offered to children of all abilities. Schedules online.

619-525-8247; www.sandiego.gov/TherapeuticRecreationServices


Summer Session at NewBridge School

Half-day learning program/camp for grades K–8 with language-based learning disabilities, Dyslexia, memory, executive functioning, and processing difficulties. Teaches students to be effective learners in a fun, camp-like setting.

12285 Oak Knoll Rd., Poway, CA 92064

858-679-5744; www.thenewbridgeschool.com


Surfing Madonna

Summer surf camp for kids with special needs at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. Free to all participants twice a month from May to September.



Unified Esports League

Inclusive, year-round program designed to support people of different abilities and needs (ages 8+), who have a passion for video games and technology. Participants focus on making friends, improving physical health and well-being, playing on a team, and learning about different aspects of gaming and technology. Perfect for individuals looking to improve their social life, enhance skills in various aspects of technology, become stronger physically and mentally, and collaborate with peers.

Multiple locations; 858-449-8478; www.unifiedesl.com


YMCA of San Diego County

Summer day camps, overnight camps, swim lessons and sports leagues for children preschool and up. Children with special needs are always welcome.

3708 Ruffin Rd., SD, 92123; 858-292-9622; www.ymcasd.org




Camp Ramah 

Jewish children ages 10–17 with special needs enjoy therapeutic programs with behavior specialists in Ojai, CA. Individual counselors for each family.



Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Family Camp

Provides an opportunity for children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing and their families to come together in a positive environment.

Julian, CA; www.cahandsandvoices.org/family-camps/southern-california


Ocean Healing Group Family Camp

This Costa Rican camp is an ADA-compliant and wheelchair-accessible retreat for the whole family. Surf coaches/caregivers take kids to play on the beach, teach them how to surf, swim, etc. Parents relax and enjoy.

970-379-9811; www.shakacostarica.com/ohg


Joni & Friends Family Retreats

Nationwide retreats for families living with disability. Fun, accessible, Christ-centered experience with worship, indoor and outdoor activities and more; build lasting memories and friendships with others who understand. 

Multiple locations; 818-707-5664; www.joniandfriends.org


Whispering Winds Family Camp 

Families with a child with developmental disabilities enjoy a retreat of respite, support, fun and prayer in Julian, CA. 






Camp Beyond the Scars Burn Institute 

Traditional summer camp for burn-injured children ages 8–17 with professional support for dealing with their unique physical and emotional challenges. Counselors include off-duty firefighters, medical staff and adult burn survivors.

858-541-2277; www.burninstitute.org/camp-beyond-the-scars


Camp del Corazon

Three primary programs for children and families living with congenital heart disease: P.A.C.E. (Progressive Adult Congenital Experience) program for ages 18–25, summer camp for ages 7–17, and Happy Heart Festival, an annual educational symposium.

North Hollywood, CA; 818-754-0312; www.campdelcorazon.org


Camp Grizzly 

Located in the Sierra Foothills and run by mentors of the NorCal Center, this camp offers Deaf, Hard of Hearing and KODA youth a supportive and diverse environment to study Indigenous American history, and local plant and animal life. 

TTY: 916-349-7500; VP: 916-993-3048; www.campgrizzly.org


Camp Harmon

ACA-accredited camp for individuals 8–65 with developmental and/or physical disabilities. Run by Easterseals with a 3:1 camper/counselor ratio, on-site health center, heated cabins, arts & crafts center, accessible swimming pool, putting green, athletic field, gardening areas and animal farm. 

Boulder Creek, CA; 831-338-3383; www.campharmon.org


Camp Oty’Okwa Special Care Camp

Residential camp in Ohio for ages 6–14 diagnosed with Learning Disabilities, ADD/ADHD, behavior disorders or Autism. Campers interact in typical programs, are integrated into routine camp activities, and participate in groups with campers of similar diagnoses.

740-385-5279; www.campotyokwa.org/summer-camp-2


Camp Paivika

Overnight camp near Big Bear for ages 5–22 with developmental and physical disabilities. Includes horseback riding, fine arts, adaptive sports, swimming, cookouts and campfires and nature hikes.

909-338-1102 x5003; www.camppaivika.org


Camp Phoenix

Through BlazeSports, gives kids (ages 7–18) with physical disabilities a chance to learn and participate in a variety of adaptive sports and recreational activities, while building leadership and self-advocacy skills, developing independence, and making friends. 

Winder, GA; www.blazesports.org


Camp Starfish

Sleepaway summer camp provides a 1:1 staff-to-camper ratio to enable success, build social skills, teach coping mechanisms, and help children who have difficulty finding success in traditional settings. 

Rindge, NH; 603-899-9590; www.campstarfish.org


Camp Stevens

Inclusive, traditional, outdoor overnight camp for kids ages 8–15. Discuss the needs of your child with ASD, ADD/ADHD, and mild delay with counselors. Focus on interpersonal skills during archery, swimming, crafts, campfires, etc.

Julian, CA; 760-765-0028; www.campstevens.org


Camp Summit

ACA-accredited, weekly residential camps for children and adults with disabilities providing recreational, therapeutic and social activities in an authentic camp setting. Campers are grouped by diagnosis/need and are never turned away due to severity of disability or inability to pay.

Dallas, TX; 972-484-8900; www.CampSummitTX.org


Camp Tuolumne Trails

Tuolumne Trails (located in the Sierras) is for groups with special medical needs. The camp provides facility, food service, management and general camp activities. Groups bring their own staff of professionals, medical staff and special programs for their campers.

Groveland, CA; 209-962-7534; www.tuolumnetrails.org


Camp Wamp

Wilderness camp located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for ages 8–18 with physical disabilities. Founded by local climbing legend Stephen Wampler.

Soda Springs, CA; 800-381-6891; www.campwamp.org


CIP (College Internship Program) Summer Program

Two-week college experience for ages 18–26 with ASD, ADHD and other learning differences. College is not just about academics; it’s about fostering connections, learning skills to succeed and having fun.

Multiple locations; 877-566-9247; www.cipworldwide.org


Deaf Leadership Camp 

Intensive, educational four-week summer program in Oregon for Deaf/Hard of Hearing high school sophomores and juniors to explore careers and practice advocacy and mentorship. Application deadline is mid-January.



Dragonfly Forest

Summer camp designed for children with Autism, 22Q, Asthma and medical needs, allows them to safely enjoy camp activities. 

Dingmans Ferry, PA; 570-828-2329; www.campspeersymca.org/summer-camp/dragonfly-forest.html


Easterseals Camp Oakes

Resident camp in the San Bernardino Mountains serves children and adults with disabilities. Activities include crafts, hayrides, talent shows, dances, swimming, canoeing, archery, hiking and a ropes course.

Big Bear, CA; 951-264-4855; www.easterseals.com


Flying Horse Farms

ACA-accredited, sleepaway camp for ages 7–15 who can only participate in camps that provide medical support due to diagnoses in cardiology, hematology, oncology, rheumatology, gastrointestinal disorders, pulmonary disorders, rare diseases and facial anomalies. Fully staffed with doctors and nurses 24/7 in a state-of-the-art medical building.

Mt. Gilead, OH; 419-751-7077; www.flyinghorsefarms.org


KODAWest Camp 

Kids of Deaf Adults ages 8–17 enjoy traditional camp experiences at Big Bear Lake and explore their identities as bicultural individuals. Applications are accepted every January.

818-265-9700 VP; www.kodawest.com


The Painted Turtle

Summer camp and year-round programs for ages 7–16 with a variety of medical conditions. Full medical staff onsite 24/7. Special foods available for dietary needs.

Lake Hughes, CA; 661-724-1550; www.thepaintedturtle.org


SOAR Adventure Camps

Camps for students with ADHD and learning differences help kids increase independence by participating in rock climbing, whitewater rafting, scuba diving and horseback riding.

Balsam, NC; 828-456-3435; www.soarnc.org 


Talisman Camps

Experiential learning camp for children with ADD, ADHD, LD and Asperger’s that helps children develop physical and social competence in an atmosphere that encourages self-regulation and self-direction.

Zirconia, NC, 828-697-6313; www.talismancamps.com


Upward Bound Camp

Christian-based recreational and educational camp experiences for persons with disabilities, ages 12 and up. Encourages growth outside the individual’s usual routine.

Gates, OR; 503-897-2447; www.upwardboundcamp.org


Looking for more programs and resources for individuals with developmental disabilities or unique needs? The Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego has tons of helpful information: 


See San Diego Family's 2024 Spring/Summer Camp listings HERE.


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Camp is More Essential than Ever 

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Junior Lifeguard Programs

Junior Lifeguard Programs

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Overnight Camps for San Diego Kids

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Summer Camps for All Abilities

Summer Camps for All Abilities

  The abundant benefits of summer camp are for everyone, so if you have children, teens or young adults with developmental disabilities, a chronic medical condition or unique needs, don’t let . . .

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Creative Theater and Dance Summer Camps for San Diego Kids

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Countdown to Camp!

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